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Plate Tectonics

Second Grade Earth Science:  Our first topic of 2015 was Plate Tectonics....

2 thoughts
The Week of Earthshock

A week full of Islam, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Jackpots!  Our second week of 2015 was a pretty good one....

4 thoughts
The Week of Enlightenment

The first week back after our holiday break went surprisingly well.  It was quirky, interesting, frustrating and wonderful.  Here are some of the highlights....

1 thoughts
Cub Scouting

As I mentioned in my last post, Cub Scouts has been Robert's major extracurricular activity so far in second grade.  Since I have tons of pics of THAT stuff, I thought I'd post a bit about what he's been up to.  Oh!!  I forgot to mention that RockerDad and I have become den leaders...

0 thoughts
The Faceless Ones

Wow... it's really been a long time since my last post.  New year, or not, I don't think it would be wise (considering my track record) to say that I plan to post more regularly.  :)  I have been terrible at taking school photos this fall/winter, but I'll share a bit of what we've...

0 thoughts
A Peek at Our Homeschool

A Day in the Life of Our Homeschool...  This is the part of the NOT Back to School Blog Hop that I usually don't do.  The main reason is that I simply can't take pics or keep a play-by-play of a school day.  This post will actually be more like a "Week in the Life," since it...

6 thoughts