RockerTot is currently 28 months old.

RockerTot placed masking tape on his card stock "canvas" before sponge painting. He loved playing with the sponges.

He was having so much fun, that I gave him another sheet so that he could just finger paint.

Here are his finished masterpieces...

This was a tray that RockerTot loved. It combined many things: fine motor skills (using the bamboo tongs); counting and sorting (I didn't care which erasers were used, but he had to group them). You can download his counting sheet here. The erasers came from the Dollar Tree. I got the bamboo tongs for $1.00 at a flea market. You can read about how the tongs were customized for his grip here.

RockerTot has been asking to play Boggle, Jr several times each day lately.

He enjoyed playing with his Number Puzzles. Our tray was set up with the numbers in one side and the counting squares in another. He would choose one from the counting square side and then count the squares. He then had to find the corresponding numeral.

RockerTot asked to help make cinnamon pancakes. They were yummy!

He also did some make-believe real-life activities...
.... hammering a nail...

... mowing the lawn ...

Mamoo (my mother) took RockerTot to her friend's house to see some animals. He loved petting their three goats. They were very friendly.

He liked watching the goats eat.... but...

... he was most excited to chase the chickens around the yard.

He had a blast on the playground at his cousin, Mal's 4th birthday party:
... sliding ...

... climbing ...

... balancing ...

... pointing (with his mouth full) ...

While working his dress-up bear puzzle, RockerDad snapped this photo. I didn't even notice he was doing this (notice the bear's outfit on his tummy and the shoes between his toes).

We got to spend more time in our yard this week!!! Yay!!
... playing on his swingset ...

... playing with his horseshoes ...

... kicking the soccer ball ...

... on the see-saw (or teeter-totter, if you prefer) ...

... playing football ...

... I'm pretty sure he was up to no good when this photo was snapped ...

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LOVE the artwork - the tape effect is very cool. Thanks for sharing the counting card link, I'm going there right now to print it out! :)
ReplyDeletewhere do you find all the trays, like the one the number puzzle is in?
ReplyDeletecrystalboom at hotmail dot com
What a great week...I love the painting project! I think Emily would love Boggle Jr. I think it is going on our Christmas/birthday wish list!
ReplyDeleteI love the artwork. I just bought Boggle Jr. for Bear for Christmas.