
Tot School

RockerTot is currently 24 months old.

We actually had a very full week, but I failed to get as many pictures as I usually do. We played lots of games and went swimming several times. He's really getting into counting things and pretending to be animals. He actually did lots of stuff outdoors as well, but I have no photos. I need a slap.

We read nearly half of the stories in his "Beginner's Bible" this week (he loves this Bible story book) but his favorite story books were "Horton Hatches the Egg" and "Are You My Mother?" (I can't even tell you how many times we read this).

aka ScholarTot

He placed face stickers and glued pieces of felt to his "Ff" page in his alphabet notebook.

Here he was as he decided that he was finished with his lacing cards.

He loved finding the hidden numbers in the beans. He buried them over and over so that he could keep finding them.

He really likes these number cards I made him.

I was very proud of his precision while cutting the lines I drew on strips of construction paper.

He also did all the letters on, watched the Leapfrog Talking Letter Factory and played a letter sounds game with our Scrabble tiles. I'll post about that game later.

aka ApprenticeTot

... sweeping the kitchen ...

... washing the dishes ...

Just Plain RockerTot

He has fallen in love with his Tinkertoy set that Mamoo and Papa gave him for his birthday.

... cars, of course ...

He loves this funny faces sticker book that Aunt Di and Uncle Steve gave him.

RockerMoms Fave Photos


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  1. Great week... sometimes it hard to get photos and still enjoy the time with the kids. That is what I have been struggling with. I have been doing a some stuff with Sammy but having a hard time getting pictures and documenting what we have been doing!

  2. This looks like another great week in Rocker Tot household. Tinkertoy certainly looks like a big hit.

  3. Looks like you had a fun week!

    I think that Tinker Toys are the best....something about the old-fashioned, classic toys, that really stimulate the imagination and allow for fine motor practice!

  4. I realize I'm commenting on a very old post lol, but I've been going through your blog and I keep jotting down one fantastic idea after another!!! Thank you SO much for sharing these! Your little one appears to be VERY advanced for his age! Well done, mama!


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