All Day Science Play

Science Corner

We have a membership to the local children's museum and took Robbie there for a day of fun. It wasn't until I got home and really looked at the photos I snapped of Robbie that I noticed how much hands-on science he was experiencing that day. Here are some of the highlights.

Robbie always spends a great deal of time trying to control the flow of water in the Riverplay exhibit.
He really enjoys digging for dinosaurs, but he gets frustrated when he can't remove the bones. I have noticed that he's becoming more gentle in his excavations lately.

For the first time, he was really into looking at things under the microscopes. In this shot, he's looking at various insect parts (leg, wing, etc.). 

Here, he's getting a much closer look at various rocks. He really liked this.

He donned a lab coat to be a dentist. He was telling RockerDad about different types of teeth and their purpose.

He was also a doctor. He was so serious as he gave the babies a checkup.

On this visit, he spent the most time in Buzz Alley. He thought the bees were cool and he dressed as a beekeeper. 

Mostly, he loved learning about the life-cycle of a bee. He totally got into playing the part of each type of bee. He was pollinating flowers, making honey, doing bee "dances", stinging us, playing in the hive (he was dressed up as a drone in this photo)... I'd definitely say this was his favorite on this day.

If you haven't visited your local children's museum, I highly recommend it. If you're not sure if there's one near you ("local" can be a relative term), you can click here to find out. It's also a great tool to find new ones to visit while on vacation.

Linking up with:

Science Sunday

Click here to view our other science posts.


  1. The museum looks like a lot of fun. I enjoy taking Anna into our local Children Museum - she always has a blast there, especially in water and bubbles section.

  2. I love going to Children's Museums just for the sneaky learning they get in while they're going.

    Thanks for linking up over at Science sunday!

  3. Are you guys in Chattanooga?


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