Summer Plans.... Gearing Up for Pre-K


Robbie spent this past week at my parents' house. It was his own little "summer camp". He also attended VBS at our old church (we've recently moved and are looking for a new one). He had such a wonderful time.

While he was away, I was able to put pen to paper and tweak a few things about our summer school plans. I thought I'd post a bit about that here.

Although Robbie will continue his reading lessons and his math lessons, our summer will be mostly reading and playing around simple themes.

Our themes will be monthly. I figure that will give us plenty of time to explore and complete activities without feeling rushed or having guilt over not getting around to something.

    Our Summer Themes
  • June: Space
  • July: Ocean Life
  • August: Community Helpers

I know this isn't necessarily the most detailed post, but I'm leaving lots of wiggle room. After all, it is summer. I am simply hoping that these activities will help us to keep busy during the very, very hot days and that we will have lots of fun along the way.

What will your summer studies (or lack thereof) look like?


  1. oooo We just started Ocean life for June and LOVE IT..We have learned all about sharks and some different creatures that they are discovering every day! FUN Your Summer sounds great!

  2. Sounds like you guys will have a fun summer.

    Since you asked, we're continuing with our winter schedule. The usual, math, writing, reading, Latin, and science. I will be stepping up Zaith's reading skills starting tomorrow. He's having some trouble with RS level B so I'm going to stop where we are and use some ideas I have to try to drive the concept he is stuck on home. We're also considering using Khan Academy for extra practice for all three of them, but that all depends on how much time we have.

  3. Melismama, I'm looking forward to the ocean life theme. :)

    Sheralyn, let me know what you think of Khan Academy..

  4. We will continue our reading lessons through out the summer and I think we will do monthly themes also! First up for us is an ocean/beach theme too :) For math we will be working on counting to 100 and writing/journal time as much as possible.


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