
Tot School

RockerTot is currently 34 months old.

I know, I'm posting this really late. *blush*

I didn't really get photos of our tot-school activities this week. I can re-use a few from other posts this week, but that's all I have.

aka ScholarTot

He constructed the entire uppercase alphabet using the foam letter pieces and mat that I made for him.

He also had a day of puzzle frenzy where he worked (in one sitting) 4-12 piece inlay puzzles, 2-24 piece jigsaw puzzles, 5-25 piece jigsaw puzzles and 1-48 piece jigsaw puzzle. We bought a 4-pack of 25 piece inlay puzzles for him later that evening and he worked them all as soon as we got home. He LOVES puzzles... always has. Here are a few that he worked (it's a three-pack):

He also read his first book to me last week (The First Bob Book, Mat). I was a super-proud mama! He was so happy.

Click here to see a list of our other Read-Alouds this week.

aka ApprenticeTot

He helped RockerDad wash the van...

... then he washed his tractor!

aka NatureTot

There was lots of fun, outdoor play. Click here for more photos.


My other Tot School Updates

See what others have been doing in their Tot Schools

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