
Tot School

RockerTot is currently 29 months old.

Disclaimer: I missed several opportunities for great photos this week. I'll try to do better next time.

aka ScholarTot

I took a cue from The Adventures of Bear and used RockerTot's old knob number puzzle to make this tot number line. He gets extra practice with his pincer grasp while honing his number recognition and linear numeration skills. He's working on basic addition and subtraction in a new way as well.

Pin It

He did this second Matisse project for Open-Ended Art.

He played with his pattern blocks several times:

Free play...

Making snakes...

Finding different ways to make hexagons (his favorite shape)...

He also enjoyed exploring his snap cubes:

Gathering by color...

Counting the cubes as he stacked them and comparing his "towers"...

... and counting the cubes as he snapped them apart and put them back in their tray...

aka ApprenticeTot

He swept up his mess while his Aunt Di held the dustpan.

This is his new "Dressing Buddy", Gizmo. We are switching out old items of clothing on Gizmo for RockerTot to practice in lieu of dressing frames.

Gizmo's first outfit featured a zipper. RockerTot wears lots of hoodies, so this seemed like the skill that would have the most immediate impact. We'll alternate outfits as he tires of them.

He modeled his new apron and chef's hat (from the Dollar Tree... $1.00 for BOTH!!) before helping Mamoo in the kitchen.

He found some pecans at my Mom's (Mamoo) and grabbed the nutcracker. I had to quickly locate a box lid to catch the shells (it didn't really work, they flew everywhere). He learned to crack nuts late last winter... I was surprised that he remembered.

aka NatureTot

RockerTot played in leaf piles, ran from the leaf blower, played football, baseball, enjoyed an afternoon at a large playground and much more... but I didn't get any pictures. Shame on me.


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  1. Love the number line idea.

  2. So many great activities. I love Gizmo how cute is that!!

  3. Great activities! I'm going to have to dig our snap cubes out and see what we can do with them. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great week! I like the number line. Gizmo is a blast from the past! :)

  5. I love the Gizmo dressing buddy! And the apron and chef hat are adorable!


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