Baseball and Breaks

Baseball.. Opening Day
Opening Day for Robbie's Team, The Mudcats

I know I haven't been the best at updating, but we've taken a bit of a break from heavy schoolwork lately.  Here's what he HAS been up to.

Robbie's been reading Stuart Little and doing a bit of writing (and even less math), but the rest of his time has been free play time (i.e. "swimming") and baseball.... lots of baseball.  (Five and six year olds playing baseball are so CUTE!)

For the past two weeks, he's been practicing with his 6 and under All Star team.  I'm very proud of his hard work this season and that he was able to make this team.

They play in their first tournament tomorrow, but I thought I'd share a few photos from the regular season (since I have no school pics to post... I know.  Shame on me!)

A collage from one of his regular season games

Robbie adored his coach (and he's also one of his All Stars coaches)...

... and the team of 5 and 6 year olds was a ton of fun to watch!!

Once All Star season is over, we'll be back to normal and (hopefully) I'll start updating with educational stuff again.  :)

Oh!... and this is (apparently) my 600th post.  Go me!

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