Weekly Wrap-Up: Summer Edition #9

We're just a few weeks away from our first official day of Kindergarten. I'm finalizing our plans and scheduling out our first week. I've decided to keep a subject-by-subject guideline for the year, but to only schedule one week at a time.
I don't want to spend time scheduling out several weeks only to have real life throw my schedule off. I also don't want the pressure of having to stick to a rather arbitrary plan. So, we've dropped school time to just the three R's until the day after Labor Day. (Photo above taken just before Robbie's first soccer evaluations. He's very excited to be playing this year!) 

Robbie can read pretty much anything that's put in front of him, but he struggles with stamina and doesn't like to read really long passages. Because of this, I've changed up our "Read to Mommy" format just a bit. While he still has to read to me each day, I've added shared reading (we take turns reading in a book) and I'm no longer requiring that he finish a book or story in one sitting. He's simply too wiggly to sit for that long.

I plan to slowly increase his daily reading time as this school year continues. He will build that reading stamina eventually, but I've realized that he doesn't NEED to have it now. I can't tell you how much better we both feel since making this decision.

This week, Robbie has been reading to me from these books.

One of Robbie's last lessons in his math book asked him to find out how much play-doh it takes to equal the weight of a bottle of glue. (Please ignore the dusty balance scale. I had to dig it out of the closet and only cleaned the clear containers. *blush*  In my defense, it's not dusty anymore.) 

He enjoyed this lesson way more than I ever imagined he would. 

When it was over, he wanted to play with the balance scale using other manipulatives. 

I managed to snap a shot of him painting a picture of "a ghost".
(... an orange one... now, that's art) 

We have way too many read-alouds going right now. Robbie seems to like it that way, but I wonder if we'll ever finish ANY of them, LOL. Here are a few from this week: 
Phyllis at All Things Beautiful recently posted about Narnia Play-Spaces at Warrior's Path State Park, Kingsport, TN (spend some time on her site - it's a wonderful blog). I won't re-hash her lovely post, but I'll share some photos of short stop on our way home from the reunion.





Tumnus' Cave 

The Beavers' Home 

The White Witch's Sledge 

The Cracked Stone Table

Mr. Tumnus before his life is breathed back into him

Check out our Pinterest Boards for more ideas!!


Sharing this post on these fine blogs (when applicable):
Preschool Corner and 5K Too Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers What My Child is Reading Ten Weeks of Summer Learning and Fun Science Sunday


  1. Oh wow! I didn't realize there was a Narnia park! Wish we had one here! Thanks for posting! I like your book showings too - gives me an idea for for my little one too since she is reading now. :)

  2. That looks like a fun field trip!

    Stopped in from Preschool Corner.

  3. Ohh my goodness that park is amazing! I had to show my husband the pictures loved it! I love the idea of shared reading and not worrying about the stamina! Sounds like a great plan and something for me to remember in the future!

  4. Our balance is dusty too. lol

    I totally want to go to that park. It's 6 hours away though. Sigh...

  5. How neat to be able to visit a Narnia park. I agree with you on stamina - it grows with experience and interest.


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