
Tot School

RockerTot is currently 21 months old.

We moved to a new place this past week. We had absolutely no focus this week due to the big move. We're finally settled and hopefully our next post will be better. Oh, and you'll probably notice that RT had a bad cold in his eyes in some of the photos. He's better now.

RockerTot likes to sit in piles of things. This time it was the board books in his room.

He chose "My Very First Book of Colors" by Eric Carle to look at this time.


We worked on his fine motor skills. He kept asking to do activities with the ice cube tray. I never instructed him on any of these activities. I just placed the items in front of him and let him choose what to do with them.

I MUST remember to get a pair of simpler tongs.

He only wanted one marble per cup in the tray.

I think the beans were his favorite tool this week.


He just had to join in with his big brother, RockerBoy and his Grandma while they played Connect Four.


As always, I'll end with my favorite photo(s) from this week. RockerTot is really into taking off his pants, wearing hats, wearing objects as hats and wearing other people's shoes. Here are a few shots of him being silly.


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  1. I love the way you set up your blog. Rocker tot is super cute.

  2. You are so cool! Your pictures are precious and I like your curriculum choices for the year.

    Hope you are able to get settle into your new place quickly.

  3. Love the header for tot school. :) and I have never seen that book by eric carle - too cute!

  4. It must be something about that age, because my Princess keeps taking off her clothes too.
    Great activities, it reminds me to set up more trays like that.

  5. RM...he is so cute and you are such a creative mom!

  6. Thanks for all the great activty ideas! Your blog has inspired me so much! I'll have to pull down the ice trays and see how she likes them.


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