Our Thanksgiving Week

"I really like learning about Thanksgiving with you, Mommy!" .... That statement really made my week.  It was actually a rather light week, school-wise, but a successful one, nonetheless.

When we weren't learning about the history of the holiday, we were watching Robbie's new favorite show, Doctor Who.  He constantly messes his hair up...  "to look like the Tenth Doctor"... as you'll see in the photos.

I'm exhausted this evening, so I thought I'd simply let the pictures of our week speak for themselves.  ;)

A few of Robbie's Thanksgiving school activities.  Mad Libs were the biggest hit!

Crystal Growing.. Thanks to Aunt Mimi and Uncle Butch

Peanut Butter Cookies with Chocolate Kisses... om nom nom

Zelda with RockerDad and Minerva, Skylanders with cousins M & A, and silly RockerParents

Well, those were a few of the highlights of our week.  How was yours?  (Leave me a link, if you wish.)

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Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers History and Geography Trivium Tuesdays Collage Friday


  1. What a great week. The cookies look so delightful. Have a wonderful week.
    Blessings, Dawn


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