Kindergarten Wrap-Up: Week 2

I only took pictures on one school day this week.
I seem to have less and less time to worry about pictures, so I apologize for the lack.

Week 2 Highlights...

Robbie is still moving forward with his Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Handwriting. I managed to get a single shot of him while he was doing his spelling "copy"work (he's still tracing his rules). This is a rule from All About Spelling Level One. He copies old rules as part of his review process.

This week his math lessons were all about reading graphs. We did a bit of hands-on graphing, but he was already pretty comfortable with reading simple graphs such as these. (I know math probably won't always be so easy for both of us. I'm thankful for weeks like these when we have them.)


We didn't really do any geographical or cultural work this week. 
 SlackerMom strikes again!

Robbie used some scraps left over from mounting our science poster onto foam board to make his own punch art. 

We're nearly finished with our Van Gogh study. Here is a shot of Robbie coloring a Starry Night coloring page. By studying the picture to color it, he is noticing that brown isn't simply brown. It may have some blue or yellow in it. I was a bit iffy about having him color sheets of the artwork, but this is an unexpected bonus. It really forces him to stop and notice. I can't wait to do our final project!!

It was silly sock night at AWANA this week. Robbie wanted giant eyeballs, so... that's what he got.  Here are the socks on top of his pile of clothes before he dressed.

Robbie's third hour at co-op is a health and nutrition class. He wanted a surprise muffin tin (please ignore the scuffed and battered tin.. it's been well-loved). He chose these items for a healthy lunch all by himself. (Yes, he said that he NEEDED the almond cookie.)

steamed broccoli, almond cookie, cucumber slices,
peach yogurt, cheese tortelini and popcorn chicken...
(hey, it's not perfect, but he did okay)

Our camera isn't fancy enough to take good action shots (or I don't know which setting to use.. which is entirely likely), so I have this shot of Robbie (center, with teammates N & C) just before his game started. 

Check out our Pinterest Boards for more ideas!!


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Preschool Corner and 5K Too Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers What My Child is Reading Science Sunday


  1. That last photo is adorable. I am glad school is going so well!

  2. Love the food he chose! Good for him.

    LOL @ eyeball socks

  3. Love the socks. What math program is that?

  4. Robbie's math is Singapore Primary 1-B. :)

  5. I wish my daughter would go for healthy options like that! Great week for Robbie.


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