Ways to Make Six Through Ten Printable


(decomposing numbers 6-10)

One of my repins on pinterest inspired me to make these for Robbie. I thought I'd share them in case anyone else would be interested.

Robbie will start with 0+ (whatever number he is working on) and have a color for each addend. He will continue to write each problem and color the blocks in the corresponding colors to represent what he wrote.
Click the image to download the file. It is a PDF which includes a sheet for each number (6-10).

Check out other (and admittedly, much cooler) math ideas over at
Math Monday

You can find the repin of the original on my Math Ideas Pinterest Board. Click here for our other Math Printables.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I am using Miquon math with my kids and this will work out wonderfully!

  2. This will help me in this week. Thank you very much...I pinned it!!


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