Handwriting Suggestions??


I've never really been concerned about Robbie and writing. He's still very young and I have been told so many times that boys write later and apparently with less endurance than girls. For these reasons, it's never been a biggie on my to-do list.

For months now, Robbie has been nearly obsessed with writing words. He still enjoys spelling words with our letter tiles, but he "writes" all the time. He used to do his Explode the Code books orally (he'd circle or "x" the answer when that was called for). Now, he wants to try to write every word. He doesn't care how long it takes, he wants to write.

He doesn't form some of his letters correctly, and I want to make sure that (since he insists on writing letters and numbers) he learns the right way from the start.

I've been flip-flopping on how to teach him this. I've considered Kumon books, Handwriting Without Tears, special books for lefties (he's been an obvious lefty since before he was a year old, but we've never pushed either hand) as well as several others. None of these really appeal to either of us.

He's interested in both print and cursive (I had always planned to simply wait and teach cursive first when we tackled this). A friend of mine suggested simply teaching him myself using both print and cursive. I've been wondering if this could actually work. Would he get confused? Would I have him learn print and simply become familiar with cursive as he goes? Would it be better to use the print as reference and teach the actual writing with cursive? Should I scrap the idea altogether?

I guess I'm asking for any opinions or advice? These plans would officially be for this fall (official Pre-K). We have the Startwrite 5.0 software, so I can make sheets myself. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Perhaps some of you are wondering the same thing. Who knows?


  1. I personally do not have experience in this area yet but I do know that kids pick up multiple ways to do things all the time. If you clearly tell him, when showing the different ways to write, that it is cursive or print, I am sure he will be fine. It is pretty obvious to tell the differences between them :) Also, your son is very bright and I am sure he will do great, no matter which route you take.

  2. We used HWT with both my lefties (I am a lefty myself as well and see the benefits of this program). We also have the Startwrite software and it is awesome. Abeka K does teacher cursive first. My nephew learned that way. There are other programs to look at--manuscript programs, or ball and stick methods like A Reason for Handwriting. Personally, I really like HWT, but it definitely doesn't teach cursive first. I am excited to hear what you do choose!

  3. My son is a lefty and his occupational therapist suggested we use Handwriting Without Tears. He really likes it a lot. I think he could have skipped the first book, but it is good practice.

  4. When it gets right down to it, cursive it mostly just printing with curly arms attached, right? ;0)

    We're coming up on this handwriting hiccup for the first time in three kids. This is our second year with a fully computer based curriculum (Switched on Schoolhouse)and my last child is the first one that hasn't done a full handwriting course.

    With my 2 boys I used A Reason For Handwriting. I liked it a lot, but I've always heard great things about HWOT.

    I'm considering adding a book and pencil handwriting course for my 3rd grade daughter to beef up her cursive skills a bit. She's a great little typist, but will need to write by hand every now and then too!

    I'm visiting from the HHHop.
    Have a blessed day!


  5. I'm not here yet but when I was in school, we learned how to really right in 1st grade. Second grade I had a split class with 3rd graders so I was learning cursive and picked it with no problem. I'm sure if you wanted to teach both within the next year he would have print and cursive down. I hear good things about Handwriting without Tears though =)

  6. We have never used a special book for handwriting. HOWEVER< I dont have any leftys in the family either. I would say to take it slow and let him lead you. If he loves it, go with it!

  7. HWOT sounds really good. I'm also wondering about Memoria Press, since I like the rest of their curriculum and am considering it for fall. You might post this question in the Hip Homeschool Mom forum and see what turns up. I'd follow along for sure.

    Stopping by on the Hip Homeschool Hop from Homeschool Science Press!

  8. I think it really depends on Robbie and how he takes instruction. I also heard good thing about HWT, but my daughter resists writing and I am not pushing this with her.

  9. I really like the pK HWOT tears book (the green one). We use this one for letter formation. I also really like the idea of copywork. ONce they get proper letter formation, ABCteach.com you can create your own copywork sheets. I use some of the boys favorite work and even lapbooks have that feature. currclick.com also has massive choices of premade copywork for almost every subject wanted.
    (New follower from Hip Homeschool Mom)..if you get a chance, check us out sometime.


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