Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap Up


We're working our way through his NIrV Bible Story Book, again. We've started a two week study of Moses. We're also reading "The Prince of Egypt" as a fun addition. We'll end the two weeks by watching the movie of the same name.

Language Arts

Robbie is nearly finished with his current level of Hooked on Phonics as well as Explode the Code. He'll be moving on to the next level of each within the next two weeks. I had my doubts about his cursive, but his strokes and control are getting better each day.

We've played our Candyland and Chutes & Ladders word games a few times.


There's really not much for me to tell on the math front. He's steadily progressing with his Singapore lessons and Rightstart games.

He can zip through his addition cups, now.

Everything Else

We made homemade play dough, enjoyed some fun read-alouds and he went on a nature walk with RockerDad and Tyler.

Check out our Pinterest Boards for more ideas!!


What have you been up to this week?



  1. Ooooh I love those addition cups! I was trying to think of something like that for my boys. I may have to steal your idea. :)

    Looks like a good week!

  2. I was playing with an idea of doing something for Passover, but knowing my daughter I am sure she won't like The Prince of Egypt - too intense for her. Too bad, because I happen to think it was an excellent movie.

  3. The word games are so cool. Your little guy is doing so well on his reading. I love seeing his progress.

    We're just starting our reading journey with our little one. My oldest taught herself to read so I'm really rusty. lol I haven't taught someone to read since I was still teaching over a decade ago.

    Popping in from pre-k corner.


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