Reading with Robbie...

Reading With Robbie

Robbie watched the DVD lesson for Lesson 3 and read through part of his workbook before losing interest. I think it was my fault for waiting until mid-afternoon to do his reading lesson. Morning seems to work better for both of us.

He also discovered that if he pretends to not know how to sound out or read a word, has a bad attitude about trying or exhibits other such behavior he will not receive his sticker and therefore will be repeating the un-stickered work the following day. I'm not trying to be cruel. I just want him to gain control over his whining and tantrums (he's doing much better, but still needs work). Also, I don't want to give him credit for knowing and/or understanding something when I've had to spoon-feed him.

I have faith that tomorrow will be better.


Just before bed, he asked if he could finish his reading lesson and I said that he could. His attitude was once again positive and he zipped through the rest of Lesson 3 in just a few minutes.

Now, he just needs to read the book for Unit 1 and the review page... then it's on to Unit 2!!

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