... because I love you

A few recent exchanges with Robbie:

Mommy: "Robbie, why aren't you picking up your toys like I asked you?"
Robbie: "Because I love you."
Mommy: "That makes no sense."

Mommy: "Robbie, why are your underwear on backward?"
Robbie: "Because I love you."
Mommy: "That makes no sense."

Mommy: "Robbie, why do you keep biting your nails?"
Robbie: "Because I love you."
Mommy: "That makes no sense."

Mommy: "Robbie, why do you have to sit so close to me?"
Robbie: "Because I love you."
Mommy: "..."
Robbie: "That makes sense."

"Because I love you" has become his reason for EVERYTHING lately.

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