
Tot School

RockerTot is currently 34 months old.

We had a light week of fun and play. Here are the few things I managed to photograph.

aka ScholarTot

Here are some of the words we were spelling and reading on his magnet board. This is simply a cookie sheet attached to the wall with Velcro strips. The magnets came from the Dollar Tree.

Here he is gluing the next number onto our homemade Number Board. This keeps him actively involved in adding to our board since he isn't ready to write numbers yet. We don't really count the days, we just keep adding a number or two and going over the previous ones daily.

Here is what the parts look like. I printed both pages onto card stock to make them a bit more durable. I've placed a link below in case anyone would like to download this file.

Number Board pdf file

Click here to see a few of our Read-Alouds this week.

aka ApprenticeTot

RockerTot made his own fruit and whipped cream cake. He really enjoyed eating it. It was his idea to use the yogurt.

aka NatureTot

The samaras (helicopter fruit) were falling from our maple trees during some very heavy winds. Boy! Those trees really know how to keep their species going.

This picture doesn't really capture the moment as I'd hoped. Just before this photo was snapped, it was torrential! He was having so much fun being pelted with and trying to catch hundreds and hundreds of the things.

Just Plain RockerTot

RockerTot got an early birthday present. He's wanted it for over a year and he's always called it "Big Steve's Big Truck" because he thinks it looks like his Uncle Steve's truck.

RockerMoms Fave Photos

This is a picture he drew of a pirate. I wanted to capture it before he swiped it away like he usually does. It's hard to have keepsake drawings with a Magna Doodle.


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