April 1, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap Up
This was a fun week... in some ways. In others, we struggled. Well, really only in one area. Robbie had a few (non-school-related) Supernanny-worthy meltdowns this week. They truly were a thing to behold. Oh, and they all involved the exact same scenario... they all occurred when I told him that his allotted Wii time was over. It will be quite some time before he is given any Wii time again. (I wouldn't allow him to play AT ALL, but I'm not his only parent... so a compromise was reached.) Other than that, it truly was a good week.

We have been reading several of our books on the life of Christ this week. Robbie also colored this decorative egg I drew for him with "Jesus" on it.

Language Arts
Robbie's reading lessons are progressing very nicely. He already knows most of the phonics rules we are covering, but we aren't skipping anything (just going at his pace). The lessons work well as review, anyway. He still has a deep love of both Hooked on Phonics and Explode the Code. We also did this craft as vowel reinforcement. I just drew the glue bottles (since vowels are the "glue" that holds words together) with the letters on them and he colored them. I realized that we had never talked about vowels vs. consonants before this week (so I started to panic), but he knew all the vowels by the end of the day Monday. I seem to get worked up over nothing, sometimes.

Robbie is breezing his way through subtraction in his Singapore math. He enjoyed playing some RightStart card games as well as using his Easter Egg Math Facts activity. You can read more about it here.

Everything Else
Robbie loved the surprise book I got for him (Usborne "What Shall I Draw?" book).
An inchworm crawled on the back of Robbie's hand.
The egg puzzle I found at the Dollar Tree was an instant hit!
This Mickey Mouse (and Minnie, too) painting set was also from the Dollar Tree.
Robbie and Tyler enjoyed a fun day at the local children's museum. (I'll post more about that soon.)

Check out our Pinterest Boards for more ideas!!


What have you been up to this week?



  1. Great week. The egg puzzle looks good. We don't allow much electronic time here as well - this is also about the only reason for arguments and meltdowns, especially when Anna is tired.

  2. Ohh, thank you for reminding me I bought that egg puzzle!

    That's a great little artist you have there! My boys would never color a picture, but my oldest might like a drawing book.


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