March 27, 2012

Sunny Side Up! Easter Egg Math Facts

Robbie is very comfortable with his addition and subtraction facts to ten, but a bit more practice couldn't hurt.
Here is his math facts tray set up with his "6" eggs and his spatula. (I've made several sets of eggs to be switched out.)
He simply cracks open an egg and places his problems "sunny side up". He reads the problem and answers it, then he flips the egg with the spatula to check his work. (No cheating!!)
(a close-up with one flipped to show the answer on the back)
Robbie enjoyed flipping these eggs more than I thought he would.
I made the eggs from white and orange foam sheets. I simply cut the egg whites free-form (but small enough to fit inside the plastic Easter eggs) and cut the "yolks" in circles. I then wrote the math problem on the yolk and the answer on the back.

Check out other (and admittedly, much cooler) math ideas over at
Math Monday

Have you checked out our Math Printables or our Math Ideas Pinterest Board?


  1. very cute! i like your hands-on approach. i can use a lot of your ideas for ainsley

  2. Well, he basically scoffs at many of the hands-on things I give him, so I am glad he is enjoying this. I love all the preschool hands-on activities I see around the web, but most of them are skills he mastered a long time ago, so I try to come up with fun things to do with what he is currently working on. He loves doing his regular schoolwork, but I have a strong desire for the fun aspect, too. Thanks for commenting!!!


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