Wow... it's really been a long time since my last post. New year, or not, I don't think it would be wise (considering my track record) to say that I plan to post more regularly. :) I have been terrible at taking school photos this fall/winter, but I'll share a bit of what we've been up to school-wise. This will mostly be images, since many of these photos are months old, now.
Second Grade Language Arts |
Beast Academy, Saxon and Singapore Math |
The Fall of Rome and the "Barbarians" (not a term I'm fond of) |
Celts... and a battle axe |
50 states study began with the U.S. and where we are. |
Hands-On: how centrifugal force of the spinning Earth can make the planet bulge near the equator. |
Hands-On: Clay Earth & Axis Tilt | Notebooking: Layers of the Earth |
Hornet's Nest (at Moo & Papa's house) and a Praying Mantis (on our porch) |
This is all I have... the Greek materials. As you can see, he uses the worktext and I have my own notebook. |
There has been more art (both spontaneous and planned) than I can mention in this post. Unfortunately, I didn't take photos. Robert has created several manga and other types of books over the past months. He also likes to create his own 3-D paper... thingies. LOL... I don't know what to call them. ;)
Cub Scouts has been the main extracurricular activity... he's grown so much since last year. |
Basketball season has started... sometimes he plays and sometimes he just goes spastic. |
... and then there are days like this... |, there you have it. I am hanging my head in shame over the lack of updating and photo-taking.
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