August 10, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Robbie is 38 months old.

Me: Would you like your sandwich to be a rectangle, a big triangle or two little triangles?
Robbie: A semicircle!!!


  1. Sounds like he loves a challenge! Or rather loves to challenge his mom!

  2. Hmm - try and make a semicircle out of sandwich. Too funny!

  3. hehe love!! Did he get a semicircle?

  4. That's where the Pampered Chef Press and Seal would come in handy. Cut that sandwich in a circle, cut in half and voila - TWO semi-circles! We LOVE our Press and Seal... and no, I don't sell PC. ;)

  5. That'll teach you to limit his shaped That's great!

  6. LOVE that! Are you up for the challenge, mom? :)

  7. Somebody knows their shapes!


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