September 26, 2009


Tot School

RockerTot is currently 27 months old.

Rain! Rain! Rain! We've been cooped up due to all the crazy rainfall in our area. We've both had a bit of cabin fever. The one day we went to the playground, I forgot the camera (shame on me!). Oh well, here's what I managed to capture this week:

aka ScholarTot

RockerTot grabbed his geoboards, bands and peg game (dollar tree find). You can see for yourself what he decided to do. (I thought this was really cute, even if it took me forever to remove the tangled bands.)

He practiced drawing counter-clockwise circles (he likes to draw circles, I just try to guide him to make them cc-wise). Dots are his second favorite thing to draw.

He took his time to make sure that no head was capped onto the correct body. He was very systematic in this. It was like he knew which combinations he wanted. If only I could hear his thoughts.

He also loves to draw lines between objects. I drew sets of two matching shapes on the fly and he did very well connecting them. He loves his markers.

Here is a shot of him rolling a cylinder. We were seeing which of his geometric solids would roll without being "bumpy". He really thought this was cool and wanted to show me over and over again.

He made these "stairs" out of his nesting cubes and then let his fingers "walk" up and down.

More circles... this time in a tray of salt. I got the idea from The Adventures of Bear.

RockerTot started a new sticker book. He got it going with some new Batman stickers.

He's finally interested in his lacing beads. He always strung a bead or two before and walked away. Now he fills the string.

aka ApprenticeTot

He helped his Mamoo (my Mom) vacuum her living room.

We made chocolate pudding together...

... he really enjoyed eating it!!

He also made pizzas with Arnold Sandwich Thins...

... he was very proud of his pizza. He liked it so much that he had to make a second one. He ate them both!

aka NatureTot

The rain limited our outdoor activities. He has a real fascination with leaves these days. It's perfect timing, since the leaves will soon be falling. Here he is with his pride and joy (he found it on his one and only bike ride this week).

Just Plain RockerTot

I don't even know what this is. He just lined up the wooden nails from his work bench. I asked him (while looking at the picture) and his answer was "I made that."

I caught him playing guitar in his blanket tent.

We played our tot-version of UNO. We each get a stack and sort by color (we'll switch to by numbers/symbol soon) and yell "UNO!!" when we have just one card left. It helps with taking turns as well as sorting.

.... my little puzzle boy... he LOVES all kinds of puzzles...

RockerMoms Fave Photos

RockerTot is really into Toy Story right now and he wanted to dress "like Woody".

This shot shows off his Woody Boot house shoes.

... wearing RockerDad's sandals...


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  1. Thanks for all the great ideas! He is growing up so fast!

  2. Where did you get the woody house boots? How cute:)

  3. He's so adorable:)
    I like the idea of drawing lines between the shapes. You could do Upper case and Lower case or numbers too. And I absolutely love the game UNO. My childhood copy is at my parents. I'll have to look out for it for Bear.
    Thanks for the great ideas.

  4. Thanks for all of the great ideas!

  5. I love the sandle picture at the cute! It looks like you had a great week.

  6. Love love love all the stuff you do with rockertot. And he's just so cute, too! :) I hope you don't mind, but I liked one of your ideas last week and linked you to it on my tot school post.

  7. LOL Love daddy's sandals! Too cute!

    And what a great use of the uno game.

  8. Fun activities! The boots and hat pic is priceless!

  9. I love all the great ideas!! I have to see if we have a UNO game, so I can use it for color and number recognition with Smiley :)

  10. Ohh, how I love your blog (and missed you so much when there weren't new posts!)! Seems like you had a great week. We made a salt tray and Maddie loves it, too. I also love how you had him draw lines between the shapes. I'll absolutely have to try this with Maddie. Thank you!

  11. I like your idea for the Tot version of Uno! We have a deck of Uno cards that we play with Little Bear sometimes, but they certainly would work great for practicing sorting with Pufferfish! She'd love it!

  12. Your little dude is very creative! We, too will be borrowing your Uno game.

  13. I love the many ideas you do each week. We haven't tried the salt tray yet, but out kids are close in age so you've inspired me to give it a try. The matching shapes and the Uno games are definitely on my to do list, too. Thank you for the inspiration!

  14. I'm definitely going to have to try out the connecting shapes and Uno. Very fun ideas!


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