July 12, 2009


Tot School

RockerTot is currently 25 months old.

Well, it was a pretty normal week around here. We're getting back into the swing of things since RockerDad returned to work after his vacation. I've been making and finding some new things for our Tot School. Some we will use right away, some are for later. I hope you enjoy a glimpse of the fun we have together.

aka ScholarTot

We found 3 new wooden puzzles for RockerTot a few weeks ago (Dollar General, $2 ea). They still have the regular "fit the picture shape" knob puzzle pieces, but with an inset of a 6-piece picture puzzle that fits the theme of the puzzle. He really enjoys these puzzles.

My friend, Sheralyn, sent us a box full of puzzles a few weeks ago. I had put this 25 piece puzzle out of reach because it looked like it would be too difficult. He found it and dumped the pieces. I put a few in (to clean up the mess) and he got upset and told me that he would do it... and he did. I was thoroughly shocked. I feel bad for underestimating him.

He sorted erasers by color...

,,, and practiced opening and closing the container.

He transferred beans with a mini-scoop. I was very happy because it was the first time he was really careful and didn't spill any beans. I loved watching him concentrate on keeping the beans in the scoop.

He did a combination dropper transferring and color mixing tray.

He is getting better with the dropper.... and using the towel to clean up his messes.

We did our "science experiment" and watched these capsules turn into sponge animals.We put them in the water just before naptime and when he woke up, they had transformed. (I think that helped with the impatience.)

He played with his geoboard daily.

Here is one of his finished creations. He loves to name the colors and shapes and count them.

If you would like more information on the Tot-Sized Geoboard, click here.

aka ApprenticeTot

RockerTot still loves to work with his tools. He's not really trying to "build" with the pieces yet, but he has nearly mastered the use of the hammer, screwdriver and wrench at his workbench.

He decided that his dump truck needed to be washed, so he poured his bubbles onto an anthill, made some bubbly mud and washed it. I know the photo doesn't really show the mud, but in the end, it was covered.

aka NatureTot

RockerTot collected several sticks from the yard.

I suppose he was heading off on an adventure here...

I pulled a branch down so that he could feel it and see all of the leaves more clearly.

Just Plain RockerTot

He played cars with RockerDad. This is still the #1 activity in the house... by a landslide.

RockerDad is being attacked in one of their daily wrestling matches.

RockerTot's cousin, S came by to play. They had lots of fun in the yard.

We built some "choo choo tunnels" together and tested them out with Thomas and Percy.

RockerTot received some helpful tips from RockerBoy about how to be more effective when wrestling RockerDad.

RockerMoms Fave Photos


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  1. You have some great Tot tools, toys and learning activities!! You guys did alot this week. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas and learning tools!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look. Your tot school posts are always so well done. Still love the geoboard - nice job!

  3. Those puzzles were a great find! Thanks for sharing. Little Bean has that same Nemo shirt, btw. And, I love the new look around here!

  4. Your photos are great! Love your new look!

  5. Hi :)
    I love the idea for a geoboard!! I think we'll be making one soon. My son has such a fascination with my hairties, so I think he will really enjoy it!
    And the puzzles are such a great find!

  6. Love the new look! All that hard work paid off! ~Jane

  7. The puzzles look like so much fun. I absolutely love the layout of your blog!


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